11 April 2018

Root Decay Explained

Root Decay Explained

As we age, the gums can recede to expose root surface. This root is 7 times more likely to develop tooth decay that enamel. It is far softer than enamel and it is rougher making it more likely to collect plaque.

Even worse than that is the fact that any decay in the root is closer to the nerve. That means it can destroy the tooth very quickly if left untreated.

You may not know you have decay until it is too late! Pain generally only occurs in a tooth when the decay is very close to the nerve. By that point the tooth may not be saveable especially with root decay which can undermine the tooth.

Fortunately there are some things you can do to prevent root decay. Seeing the hygienist regularly and having fluoride applied to the roots can massively reduce your risk of tooth loss. 

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